How to Prepare for Your First Visit to the Physical Therapy Clinic

Physical Therapist massaging wrist of patient

After an injury, physical therapy can help regain your strength and coordination to return to a normal life. According to Professional Therapy Associates, 46% of patients who received physical therapy sought treatment specifically for their backs. If you’re making your first visit to a physical therapy clinic, here’s what you can do to prepare.

Write Down Questions

It’s not unusual to have questions about your injury and the resulting physical therapy, and your physical therapist is a great person to ask those questions. Take some time to write down any questions you might want to ask before you go to your first appointment, so you can get a better understanding of things before you get started. Addressing any questions and concerns you may have can make the process a lot easier moving forward.

Wear Comfortable Clothes

Your physical therapist is going to ask you to do some basic exercises and movements to test things like strength, balance, and range of motion. This isn’t your average doctor appointment where you’re going to sit down and be inspected, so make sure you’re wearing comfortable clothes that you can move around in. Gym clothes are a good choice for physical therapy.

Pay Close Attention

When you’ve never been to physical therapy before, the sheer volume of information can be overwhelming. Your physical therapist will probably spend a lot of time explaining things to you, so make sure you’re ready to listen. You can even take notes so you have something to refer back to when you have a question about the pain you’re feeling or what daily activities are safe to do at home.

Communicate With Your Therapist

Visiting a physical therapy clinic helps you get a better understanding of where you’re at in terms of your recovery, but you have to communicate to get the most out of your therapy. Talk to your therapist and let them know what you’re comfortable with, when you’re in pain, and when you have any additional questions.

Visiting a physical therapist can help you recover from recent injuries and get back to business as usual. Physical therapy is a great way to regain your strength, flexibility, and range of motion after an injury. If you’re looking for a physical therapy clinic that can help you get your life back to normal, call Bryce Olson Physical Therapy to schedule your first appointment.